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Probiotics for Dogs


What are probiotics? Probiotics are bacteria that help keep your dog's digestive system healthy. That might sound confusing, but it's actually pretty simple: The bacteria in probiotics help to break down food and fight off bad bacteria, keeping your dog's insides running smoothly.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are bacteria that help with digestion, and they're found in fermented foods. They can be naturally occurring in yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir. But if your dog isn't a fan of eating those foods (or you can't find the time to make them), probiotic supplements are an option.

Probiotics can help with skin and immune system health because they improve the balance between good and bad bacteria in the gut. It's also believed that probiotics may reduce allergies in dogs by reducing inflammation caused by a lack of friendly bacteria in their digestive systems.

Some people believe that giving their dog a probiotic supplement regularly can prevent illness or improve their overall health—and research has shown some benefits for humans as well! For example: A 2015 study published by The Journal of Nutrition showed that infants who drank milk containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG were less likely than other infants to develop gastrointestinal infections or diarrhea over six months

How do Probiotics Work?

Probiotics are good bacteria that help keep the bad bacteria in check. They can help with digestion and immune system function, as well as allergies and skin problems. Probiotic supplements work by colonizing the digestive tract, which allows for more balanced bacterial growth.

What are the Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs?

Probiotics have many benefits for dogs. Here are just a few:

  • Digestive Health – Probiotics can help with digestive health, which is why they’re often included in dog food. They can be especially beneficial if your dog has diarrhea or other issues with their digestive system.

  • Allergies – Many humans and animals experience allergies, including those related to skin issues and respiratory problems. These allergies can be alleviated by probiotic supplements and foods containing them, which may also reduce inflammation in the body overall. * Skin Problems – Some dogs suffer from various forms of skin problems such as hot spots or dryness caused by allergies or conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.**Pro-tip: You should consult your veterinarian before beginning any new regimen with your pet (including adding probiotics) because what works well for one pet may not work well for another!

Is Your Dog a Candidate for Probiotics?

Probiotics are safe for most dogs, but there are a few exceptions. They're not recommended for dogs with food allergies or diarrhea or vomiting, because they may not tolerate the change in their stomach environment well. If you're giving your dog antibiotics, it's best to hold off on giving him probiotics until his body has normalized after completing his course of antibiotics—about two weeks after he completes his last dose.

How do I know if my dog needs probiotics?

If your dog seems uncomfortable or sluggish during digestion (he cries when pooping!), the gut bacteria may be out of balance and could benefit from adding more "good" bacteria into the system through probiotic supplementation. This can help with gas and bloating by keeping things moving through the gastrointestinal tract more quickly.

Consult with your vet to see if probiotics are right for your dog.

Just to be clear probiotics do not replace the need for a veterinarian, and you should always consult with a vet before introducing any new supplements into your dog's diet. While many pet owners have had success using probiotics, it is important to remember that every animal is different and what works for one may not work for another. If you notice any adverse effects after beginning to give your dog probiotics (such as vomiting or diarrhea), discontinue use immediately and speak with your vet about what could be going on.


In conclusion, probiotics are an excellent way to improve your dog’s digestive health. But they’re not right for every dog. If you think your furry friend could benefit from a probiotic supplement, talk to your vet about the best option for them and how much of it should be given each day so that he or she can get better soon!



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